
How to Treat Yourself Compassionately to Avoid Burnout with Charlotte Lieberman

What is Charlotte's definition of burnout?

Burnout is when you've become a short-circuited machine. You're trying to use the same hard work that has led to results and it instead leads to exhaustion.

Here are a few of the things you'll learn in this episode:

  • How to use self-compassion as an antidote to self-criticism

  • How to improve yourself through self-acceptance

  • The problem with most wellness programs today

About Charlotte:

Charlotte is a New York-based journalist who writes about evolutionary and behavioral psychology, mental health, and the confusing journey of self-acceptance. Her articles have been featured in The New York Times, The Harvard Business Review, Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, Guernica, Elle.com, and BOMB among other publications, and Her poems have appeared in The Boston Review, The Colorado Review, The Harvard Advocate, Free Verse, Nat.Brut, and The Denver Quarterly. She received my bachelor's degree from Harvard, where she majored in English and lived in a vegetarian co-op. She now calls Brooklyn her home.

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Kevin Joseph