Why "Freedom" is My Theme for 2020
Photo by Noah Boyer on Unsplash
When I started thinking about themes for 2020 for some reason a dolphin jumped into my mind. I wasn't sure why at first, but I think it had to do with a sense of play and intelligence. Dolphins are very smart creatures but they also have a strong sense of playfulness.
So how did I end up with freedom out of that? Whenever I thought about dolphins, I thought about the wide expanse of ocean that they have access to. So if dolphins want to explore other parts of the ocean, they could. I guess birds may have been a better metaphor, huh? No matter - the important thing is that I reached this destination.
What do I want to feel freedom to do? I want to feel free to do things that I want to do, not the things that I feel I should do. That has been a consistent struggle throughout my life. It will probably be something I struggle with in years past this one. But this year is as good as any other one to truly tackle it.
That's not to say that I haven't made strides against this in the past. The right thing to do on paper was probably to stay at Epic for many more years. But I could feel myself stagnating and I wanted to do something to move myself forward. I definitely have pushed myself forward but now I feel like I need to do something else to keep myself moving forward.
Do you have a theme or word for 2020? Feel free to email me and let me know!